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After opening up the promenade door (close to the armory) I lost the ability to shoot. Jump still worked. It persisted even after a save and reload. I experienced this in the web build. It was fun up until then. Looks great :)

Thanks for trying the demo and thanks for the bug report.

It may be that the caps lock key on your keyboard got hit - the emulator the web embed uses apparently differentiates between capital and lower case letters.

One other user also reported not being able to shoot after a certain point on the web build, and the caps lock key was all I could see that might cause that.

I’ll add a note to the instructions when I push the next update.

Caps lock was not on, and I still had the ability to jump. Testing  in another browser, I noticed that caps lock being on stopped both shooting and jumping.

Reloading the save, I could still not shoot. Without changing anything, when I died, I returned to title and started a new game, and could shoot/jump. Reloading the previous save, that save still did not allow shooting.

So unfortunately not an input issue as this apparently corrupted my save.

Hopefully that might help a little :)

Interesting. It does help, thank you.

I’ll have to think about what might cause that.

Omg, this is soo good so far! Loving the Doctor Who references! Can't wait to buy the full version! Please tell me you're doing cartridges...

This game looks great :)

Beautiful game and well executed!

Wow! Very interesting metroidvania game.