Demo updated - and Kickstarter is live!

I’ve pushed a new update that will hopefully address an issue that was reported where the player became incapable of shooting after a certain point. I’ll continue to monitor comments and see if anyone still reports that happening.

Also, the kickstarter is live! Check it out if you were looking for a physical cartridge or you’d just like to support the game.


depths-ks-demo.pocket 512 kB
94 days ago
depths-ks-demo.gbc 512 kB
94 days ago

Get Depths of Europa - Demo


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(1 edit)

I'd support this in a heartbeat if you shipped to Canada.

Sorry, I’ve never done this before and set the physical releases for US only to keep things simple - but I’ll see what I can do for the international audience; I don’t mean to exclude anyone.

The digital version should be available in any area.

I’ve added shipping to Canada, Australia, and most of western Europe. Sorry about that.

Thank you! Backed, as promised!